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It was my choice for Reyna and Lupe for a reason, andit's my choice to live because of all of us."Sighing, he added, "Willie's daughter is like Tatum, as is his wife. Thewhole family is intermixed with people being related and marrying.Before you think it: it's not incest or worse. The kids aren't dumb,they know who is 'off limits' even if they have crushes on one another.There's a lot of branches, Willie himself is John's cousin and his sonReed is married to Reyna's friend whose sister is married to John's son.You'll understand them more in the future, there's no way that you'renot going to be their new Aunt Skye especially given you'll know some ofthe kids and grandkids. It's family tradition that you are aunt to Reynaand Tatum's generation, just as Reyna and Tatum are aunts to theirfriends' kids. I just wish Reyna's friends wait longer to have kids, I'mnot ready to be Gruncle Miguel to the kids' kids."The next day saw a stream of visitors, but also saw Tatum meeting hernew nurses.. ” I leaned in and kissed her and said, “My pleasure” and we both chuckled a moment. Then I said, “I didn’t know you were a squirter.” She blushed a moment and whispered in my ear, “Neither did I. That was my first time.” Somewhat shocked, I said, “Really??” She responded, “Yes, but I hope it isn’t my last, that felt sooo good.” With that I kissed her again and we lay there together until we were both completely recovered.After we had rested a while, I said, “Why don’t we go get your vehicle before we forget about it?” She smiled and laughed and said, “You are always the practical one. OK, we shouldn’t leave it there too long.” We got up and she grabbed her bra and panties that she had taken off. We walked to the bedroom. Her clothes from yesterday, the only stuff she had here, was lying in the middle of the bedroom floor where we had left it. As we walked into the bedroom, she looked at it and said, “Hmm, that isn’t going to look good. I wonder what I am going to wear.” I.
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